Pro Pool Player Breaks Down Pool Movies And TV Shows | Jennifer Barretta & Rollie Williams


Pro Pool Player Breaks Down Pool Movies And TV Shows | Jennifer Barretta & Rollie Williams

As a professional pool player, I have always been fascinated by how the sport of pool is portrayed in movies and TV shows. 

From the classic hustler films to modern-day television dramas, the world of pool has been depicted in a variety of ways on the big and small screen.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with fellow pool player and actor, Rollie Williams, to break down some of the most iconic pool movies and TV shows.

We discussed everything from the accuracy of the pool playing scenes to the overall portrayal of the pool community. Join us as we take a closer look at how Hollywood has captured the essence of pool on screen.

"The Hustler" (1961)

One of the most iconic pool movies of all time, "The Hustler" stars Paul Newman as "Fast" Eddie Felson, a young and talented pool player with a fierce competitive streak. 

The film follows Eddie as he navigates the seedy world of underground pool halls and high-stakes games while trying to make a name for himself as a top player.

Rollie and I both agreed that "The Hustler" does an excellent job of capturing the intensity and drama of competitive pool.

The pool playing scenes are incredibly well-executed, and Paul Newman's portrayal of Eddie Felson is both captivating and believable. 

The film also delves into the psychological aspect of the game, showcasing the mental fortitude required to succeed in the world of professional pool.

"The Color of Money" (1986)

A sequel to "The Hustler," "The Color of Money" sees Paul Newman reprise his role as Eddie Felson, now a seasoned veteran of the pool scene.

This time, he takes a young and talented pool player named Vincent, played by Tom Cruise, under his wing and sets out to reclaim his former glory.

Pro Pool Player Breaks Down Pool Movies And TV Shows | Jennifer Barretta & Rollie  Williams Ep. 1 - YouTube

While "The Color of Money" may not have the same gritty authenticity as its predecessor, it still offers plenty of thrilling pool playing action.

The film captures the flashy and competitive nature of modern-day pool tournaments, complete with high-stakes games and intense rivalries.

Both Rollie and I appreciated the dynamic between Newman and Cruise's characters, as well as the film's exploration of mentorship and redemption within the world of professional pool.

"The Queen's Gambit" (2020)

While not a traditional pool movie, "The Queen's Gambit" has garnered widespread acclaim for its portrayal of competitive chess and the psychological toll of elite-level competition.

As two players familiar with the pressures of high-stakes games, Rollie and I found plenty to discuss when it came to comparing the world of chess to that of pool.

We both agreed that "The Queen's Gambit" effectively captures the mental and emotional challenges faced by elite competitors, regardless of the specific game being played.

The series delves into themes of addiction, perseverance, and the pursuit of greatness, all of which resonate deeply with those involved in professional sports, including pool.

"The Hustlers" (2019)

Based on a true story, "The Hustlers" follows a group of savvy strippers who turn the tables on their wealthy Wall Street clients by drugging them and running up exorbitant credit card charges.

While not solely focused on pool playing, the film does feature several scenes set in a glamorous New York City pool hall, where the characters strategize and unwind between their illicit activities.

Rollie and I found "The Hustlers" to be an interesting departure from traditional pool movies, as it portrays the game from a different perspective.

While the pool playing scenes are not as central to the plot as in other films, they still offer a glimpse into the characters' competitive nature and strategic thinking. 

The film also serves as a reminder that pool is a game enjoyed by people from all walks of life, regardless of their background or profession.

In conclusion, our discussion about pool movies and TV shows shed light on the diverse ways in which Hollywood has depicted the sport over the years.

From intense dramas like "The Hustler" to more unconventional portrayals in films like "The Hustlers," each production offers its own unique take on the world of professional pool.

As professional pool players, Rollie and I appreciated the attention to detail in capturing the nuances of competitive play, as well as the broader themes of mentorship, redemption, and camaraderie within the pool community.

While no film can fully encapsulate the entirety of what it means to be a professional pool player, these cinematic representations offer valuable insights into the sport we love.

Whether you're a seasoned player or simply a fan of compelling storytelling, there's something to be gained from experiencing these iconic pool movies and TV shows.

So grab your cue, chalk up your tip, and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of competitive pool, both on screen and off.