The secret to accurate shooting from "Black Widow": Revealing secret techniques that few people know about...


The secret to accurate shooting from "Black Widow": Revealing secret techniques that few people know about...

Jeanette Lee, also known as "The Black Widow," is a legendary figure in the world of billiards and pool. Her exceptional skills and strategic approach to the game have made her a formidable force in the sport. 

One of the key elements of her success is her ability to aim with precision and accuracy. 

In this blog post, we will explore some of the techniques and tips that Jeanette Lee has shared over the years on how to aim at billiards or pool.


  1. Stance and Positioning:
  2. One of the fundamental aspects of aiming in billiards or pool is having the right stance and positioning. 
  3. Jeanette Lee emphasizes the importance of a stable and balanced stance when approaching a shot. This involves having your feet shoulder-width apart, with your body aligned with the shot line. 
  4. Your dominant foot should be slightly ahead of the other, providing a solid foundation for your stroke.
  5. Additionally, maintaining a consistent and comfortable distance from the cue ball is crucial for achieving accurate aim.

2. Eye Dominance:

Understanding your dominant eye is essential for effective aiming in billiards or pool. 

Jeanette Lee recommends determining which eye is dominant and aligning it with the shot line. This ensures that your visual perspective is optimized for precision aiming. 

To identify your dominant eye, extend your arms forward and form a small triangular opening with your hands. 

Focus on a distant object through this opening, and the dominant eye will naturally align with the object. Once you have determined your dominant eye, position it directly over the cue stick to enhance your accuracy.

3. Visualization:

Visualization plays a significant role in aiming at billiards or pool. Jeanette Lee advocates for visualizing the entire shot before executing it. 

This involves mentally mapping out the path of the cue ball, the object ball, and any potential ricochets or caroms off other balls. 

By visualizing the intended outcome of the shot, you can better align your aim and anticipate the necessary adjustments to achieve success.

Visualization also helps in maintaining focus and composure during high-pressure situations.

4. Cue Alignment and Bridge:

The alignment of your cue stick and bridge hand greatly influences your aim in billiards or pool. Jeanette Lee stresses the importance of maintaining a straight and level cue position throughout your stroke.

Your cue should be aligned with the desired contact point on the cue ball, ensuring a clean and accurate strike. Additionally, the stability and precision of your bridge hand directly impact your aiming consistency.

Whether using an open bridge or closed bridge technique, practicing a smooth and steady bridge placement is essential for reliable aim.

5. Aiming Systems:

Various aiming systems exist in billiards and pool, each offering unique methods for targeting shots.

Jeanette Lee has explored and integrated multiple aiming systems into her approach, emphasizing the value of adaptability in different situations. 

From the ghost ball method to fractional aiming systems, understanding and experimenting with these techniques can enhance your overall aiming proficiency.

However, Jeanette Lee emphasizes that while aiming systems provide valuable frameworks, instinct and feel should not be overlooked in aligning your shots.

6. Practice and Patience:

Ultimately, mastering the art of aiming at billiards or pool requires dedicated practice and patience.

Jeanette Lee encourages aspiring players to invest time in honing their aiming skills through consistent repetition of shots and drills. 

By engaging in deliberate practice routines that focus on specific aspects of aiming, such as long-distance shots or bank shots, you can progressively refine your accuracy and precision.

Furthermore, maintaining patience throughout this learning process is crucial, as developing exceptional aim is a gradual journey that rewards persistence.

In conclusion, Jeanette Lee's expertise in aiming at billiards or pool reflects her comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in achieving precision and accuracy.

By incorporating her insights on stance, eye dominance, visualization, cue alignment, aiming systems, and the value of practice, players can elevate their aiming capabilities and bolster their performance on the table.

Whether you are a novice seeking to improve your aim or an experienced player aiming for greater consistency, embracing these principles can undoubtedly enhance your prowess in billiards or pool.