What's the Secret Behind? I Tried To RECREATE 11 Jayson Shaw Shots That You PROBABLY Didn't See Yet.


What's the Secret Behind? I Tried To RECREATE 11 Jayson Shaw Shots That You PROBABLY Didn't See Yet.

Jayson Shaw is a renowned professional pool player known for his incredible skill and precision on the table. His shots are often studied and admired by fans and aspiring players alike.

In this blog post, we will explore 11 of Jayson Shaw's lesser-known shots and attempt to recreate them, providing insights into the techniques and strategies behind each one.

Shot 1: The Behind-the-Back Bank Shot

The first shot we attempted to recreate was a behind-the-back bank shot executed by Jayson Shaw during a practice session. 

This shot required precise positioning and a keen understanding of the angles involved.

By analyzing Shaw's body positioning and the cue ball's path, we were able to gain valuable insights into the mechanics of this challenging shot.


Shot 2: The Jump Massé

In this shot, Shaw executed a jump massé, sending the cue ball over an obstacle and curving it to pocket the target ball.

Recreating this shot required careful consideration of the jump angle, cue elevation, and spin applied to the cue ball. 

Through trial and error, we were able to gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of this skillful maneuver.

Shot 3: The Rail-first Kick Shot

Shaw's proficiency in executing rail-first kick shots is well-documented, and we sought to replicate one of his impressive examples.

By studying the contact point between the cue ball and the rail, as well as the amount of spin applied, we were able to gain valuable insights into the techniques required to successfully execute this challenging shot.

Shot 4: The Double Bank Kick Shot

One of Shaw's lesser-known shots involved a double bank kick shot that showcased his ability to visualize multiple rebounds and angles simultaneously.

Recreating this shot required careful planning and adjustment of our approach to account for the table conditions and ball trajectories.

Through this process, we gained a deeper understanding of Shaw's strategic mindset when approaching complex shots.

Shot 5: The Massé Around-the-Table

Shaw's proficiency in executing massé shots is widely recognized, and we attempted to recreate his impressive around-the-table massé shot.

By carefully observing the spin applied to the cue ball and the path it followed, we gained valuable insights into the adjustments required to navigate the cue ball around multiple obstacles.

This shot highlighted Shaw's exceptional control and finesse on the table.

Shot 6: The Jump Draw Shot

Recreating Shaw's jump draw shot proved to be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.

By analyzing the speed and elevation of Shaw's cue stick during the jump, as well as the timing of the draw applied to the cue ball, we gained a deeper appreciation for the technical skill required to execute this dynamic shot.

This experience provided valuable lessons in cue ball control and precision.

Shot 7: The Reverse Cut Bank Shot

I Tried To RECREATE 11 Efren's Shots That You PROBABLY Didn't See Yet

One of Shaw's lesser-known shots involved a reverse cut bank shot that demanded precise cue ball positioning and spin control.

By carefully studying Shaw's execution of this shot, we gained insights into the adjustments required to compensate for the reverse angle and pocket the target ball.

This shot exemplified Shaw's ability to adapt his technique to challenging table conditions.

Shot 8: The Massé Jump Shot

Shaw's proficiency in combining massé and jump shots was evident in a particularly challenging shot we attempted to recreate. 

By carefully analyzing the elevation and spin applied to the cue ball, as well as the angle of approach, we gained valuable insights into the coordination required to execute this complex maneuver.

This shot underscored Shaw's ability to innovate and push the boundaries of traditional shot-making.

Shot 9: The Carom Kick Shot

Recreating Shaw's carom kick shot required careful consideration of the rebound angles and spin applied to both the cue ball and target ball.

By studying Shaw's approach to this shot, we gained valuable insights into the adjustments required to accurately predict the carom path and pocket the target ball.


This shot showcased Shaw's ability to leverage multiple rebounds to achieve precise positional play.

Shot 10: The Power Draw Shot

Shaw's mastery of power draw shots was evident in a particularly challenging shot we sought to recreate. 

By carefully observing Shaw's cue stick speed and follow-through, as well as the amount of draw applied to the cue ball,

we gained valuable insights into the mechanics of generating significant draw power while maintaining accuracy. This shot highlighted Shaw's exceptional ability to control the cue ball with precision.

Shot 11: The Jump Bank Combo

In our attempt to recreate Shaw's jump bank combo, we encountered a shot that demanded precise cue ball positioning and elevation control.

By analyzing Shaw's execution of this shot, we gained valuable insights into the adjustments required to successfully pocket both balls in rapid succession.

This shot exemplified Shaw's ability to combine creativity with technical proficiency on the table.


Recreating 11 of Jayson Shaw's lesser-known shots provided us with valuable insights into his exceptional skill and strategic approach to challenging shots.

By studying his execution of each shot, we gained a deeper appreciation for the technical nuances and decision-making processes involved in high-level pool play.

Our experience serves as a testament to Shaw's enduring impact on the sport and his ability to inspire players to continually push the boundaries of their own abilities.