Surprise! Billiard Player Jeanette Lee Gives Birth to Baby Girl After Years of Waiting


Surprise! Billiard Player Jeanette Lee Gives Birth to Baby Girl After Years of Waiting

Professional billiards star Jeanette Lee and her husband, George Breedlove, are proud to announce the birth of their sixth child, Savannah Lee Breedlove.

Savannah was born on August 31 and mother and daughter are doing well. Savannah is the first natural-born child for the couple.

Lee and Breedlove are the definition of raising a modern blended family. Savannah is the newest member of the family joining her sister Chloe, who was born to a surrogate mother last October. The couple is also parents to an adopted child, Cheyenne (6), a foster child, John Kang (18) along with Breedlove's two daughters from a previous marriage, Morgan (23) and Olivia (22).

“The ability to carry my own child was such an amazing experience and something I have always wanted,” said Lee.

“George and I are so proud of our family and take great joy in raising our children in the best possible home environment. The birth of Savannah is truly a blessing for our family.”

Following a brief maternity leave, Lee is expected back to competition at the beginning of November. Said Tom George, Octagon's Senior Vice President who manages Lee's business endeavors:

“This is a very special time for Jeanette and George as the birth of their own child is something they have always dreamed of. 

Jeanette Lee announces the newest addition to the Breedlove Clan! -  Professor Q Ball's National Pool & Billiard News

Their commitment to all their children, no matter what their background, is amazing to witness. Blended families are more commonplace now than ever before and Jeanette and George are a successful example of that.”

The birth of Savannah is truly special given Lee's battle with scoliosis which some thought would make carrying a child near impossible.

Jeanette Lee Adopts Baby Girl | PoolRoom

Since being diagnosis at age 13, Lee has had numerous surgeries and procedures to stem the worsening of her condition.    

In her 17 years as a professional, Lee has fashioned one of the most illustrious careers of any billiards player in history, including claiming more than 30 national and international titles.

Formerly ranked as the No. 1 player in the world, she has been named “WPBA Sportsperson of the Year” as well as “Player of the Year” by both Billiards Digest and Pool & Billiards Magazine.

Jeanette Lee Awaits New Addition to Family - News - AZBILLIARDS.COM

Consistently ranked as one of the sport's most powerful people by Billiards Digest, Lee was a 2001 World Games gold medalist and 2004 International Trick Shot champion in addition to taking home back-to-back Empress Cup titles in 2008 and 2009.

Jeanette Lee Welcomes Baby Girl - American Poolplayers Association

Selected as one of the “Sexiest Female Athletes in the World” by ESPN, she has appeared in television and print, including features in Esquire and on HBO Real Sports, The Today Show, The Late Show with David Letterman and Live with Regis & Kelly.