As an amateur pool player, I've always been eager to improve my skills and learn from the best in the game.

So when I had the opportunity to spend a session with professional pool player Jennifer Barretta, I jumped at the chance. 

Jennifer is not only a highly accomplished player with numerous titles under her belt, but she's also known for her expertise in coaching and mentoring aspiring players.

Needless to say, I was excited and a little nervous to learn from someone of her caliber.

I arrived at the pool hall where Jennifer was waiting for me, and we immediately got to work. She started by observing my stance, grip, and stroke as I took some practice shots.

Her keen eye didn't miss a beat, and she quickly identified some areas where I could make improvements. 

One of the first things Jennifer emphasized was the importance of a solid stance. She pointed out that my feet were too close together, which affected my balance and stability.

She demonstrated the ideal stance, with one foot slightly in front of the other and a stable, wide base. She explained how this setup allows for better control and power in each shot.

Next, we moved on to the grip. Jennifer stressed the significance of a relaxed yet firm grip on the cue.

She noticed that I was gripping the cue too tightly, which was causing unnecessary tension in my arm and affecting my accuracy. 


She showed me how to find the right balance of pressure in my grip, allowing for a smooth and fluid stroke.

As we delved further into the technical aspects of the game, Jennifer's expertise became even more apparent. She shared valuable insights on cue ball control, spin techniques, and position play.

Her explanations were clear and concise, making complex concepts easier to understand and apply.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from Jennifer was the mental aspect of the game. She emphasized the importance of focus, confidence, and composure on the table.

She shared her own experiences dealing with pressure in high-stakes matches and offered practical tips for maintaining a strong mental game.

Throughout our session, Jennifer's coaching style stood out for its patience and encouragement. She never made me feel inadequate or overwhelmed by the amount of information she was sharing.

Instead, she offered constructive feedback and positive reinforcement, creating a supportive learning environment.

As our session came to a close, I felt a newfound sense of motivation and determination to take my game to the next level.

Jennifer's guidance had not only improved my technical skills but also instilled a deeper appreciation for the strategic and mental aspects of the game.

Reflecting on my experience with Jennifer Barretta, I realized that learning from a pro player goes beyond just acquiring technical knowledge. It's about gaining insight into their mindset, work ethic, and passion for the game.

Jennifer's dedication to her craft was truly inspiring, and it reminded me of the endless possibilities for growth and improvement in pool.

In conclusion, my session with Jennifer Barretta was an invaluable learning experience that has undoubtedly made me a better player.

Her expertise, guidance, and mentorship have left a lasting impression on my approach to the game.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business, and I'm eager to continue applying her teachings as I strive to elevate my skills even further.