AMERICAN Female POOL CHAMPION Jennifer Barretta Shows us WHAT'S IN HER BAG!


AMERICAN Female POOL CHAMPION Jennifer Barretta Shows us WHAT'S IN HER BAG!

As a professional pool player, Jennifer Barretta knows the importance of being prepared for any game. 

With years of experience and numerous championships under her belt, she understands the value of having the right equipment at hand. 

In this exclusive interview, Jennifer Barretta gives us a glimpse into her world by sharing what's in her bag.

Cue Sticks: At the heart of any pool player's arsenal are their cue sticks. Jennifer Barretta always carries multiple cues to ensure she's ready for any situation.

Each cue is meticulously selected and customized to her preferences, allowing her to execute precise shots with ease.

Chalk: Chalk may seem like a small detail, but it's a crucial component of a pool player's toolkit. Jennifer Barretta makes sure to have a reliable supply of chalk in her bag at all times.

This ensures that she can maintain optimal cue tip traction and prevent miscues during intense matches.

Gloves: To maintain a consistent and smooth stroke, Jennifer Barretta relies on specialized gloves designed for pool players.

These gloves provide her with the necessary support and stability, allowing her to focus on her game without worrying about sweaty hands or friction.

Bridge Stick: A bridge stick is essential for executing shots that require extended reach or awkward angles. Jennifer Barretta always keeps a high-quality bridge stick in her bag, enabling her to tackle challenging shots with confidence and precision.

Towel: Keeping equipment clean and dry is vital for peak performance. Jennifer Barretta carries a dedicated towel in her bag to wipe down her cues, hands, and the table surface as needed.

This simple yet effective tool ensures that she can maintain a consistent playing environment no matter where she competes.

Joint Protectors: Protecting the delicate joints of her cue sticks is a top priority for Jennifer Barretta.

She utilizes joint protectors to safeguard her cues during transport and storage, minimizing the risk of damage that could affect their performance.


Tip Tools: Maintaining optimal cue tip condition is crucial for precise and reliable play. Jennifer Barretta includes tip tools in her bag to shape, scuff, and maintain the tips of her cues as needed.

This attention to detail ensures that she can consistently deliver the accuracy and control required to dominate the game.

Accessories: In addition to the essentials, Jennifer Barretta's bag also contains various accessories such as spare cue tips, shaft cleaners, and cue holders.

These supplementary items provide her with added convenience and versatility, allowing her to adapt to different playing conditions and challenges.

With a carefully curated selection of equipment and accessories, Jennifer Barretta is always prepared to face any opponent on the pool table.

Her dedication to maintaining peak performance and her meticulous attention to detail are evident in the contents of her bag.

As she continues to make her mark in the world of professional pool, one thing is certain – Jennifer Barretta's bag is a reflection of her unwavering commitment to excellence.