2-Rail Kicks Using Parallel Lines with Jennifer Barretta and Rollie Williams


In the world of billiards, mastering the art of rail kicks is essential for any serious player.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your game or an experienced player aiming to refine your skills, understanding the techniques behind 2-rail kicks using parallel lines can take your game to the next level. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the fundamentals of 2-rail kicks with the help of renowned billiards player Jennifer Barretta and expert instructor Rollie Williams.


Understanding the Basics of 2-Rail Kicks

Before delving into the intricacies of 2-rail kicks using parallel lines, it’s important to have a solid grasp of the basics.

A 2-rail kick shot involves hitting the cue ball in such a way that it travels along two cushion rails before making contact with the target ball. 

This type of shot is particularly useful when the direct path to the target ball is obstructed by other balls or when a direct hit is not feasible.

When executing a 2-rail kick shot, it’s crucial to consider factors such as the angle of approach, speed of the cue ball, and spin.

These elements play a significant role in determining the trajectory of the cue ball and ultimately the success of the shot.

Mastering Parallel Lines

One of the key concepts in perfecting 2-rail kicks is understanding and utilizing parallel lines.

Parallel lines refer to the imaginary paths that the cue ball and target ball would travel along if they were not obstructed by other balls or cushions.

By visualizing these parallel lines, players can better predict the path of the cue ball and adjust their aim accordingly.

Jennifer Barretta emphasizes the importance of mastering parallel lines when attempting 2-rail kicks. “Understanding the concept of parallel lines is crucial for executing precise 2-rail kicks,” she explains.

“By visualizing the path of the cue ball and target ball as parallel lines, players can effectively adjust their aim and account for any potential deflections.”

Rollie Williams further emphasizes the significance of parallel lines in 2-rail kicks, noting that it allows players to anticipate potential rebound angles and plan their shots accordingly.

“When players are able to identify and utilize parallel lines, they gain a strategic advantage in determining the optimal path for the cue ball to reach the target ball,” he says.

Perfecting Technique Through Practice

While understanding the theory behind 2-rail kicks using parallel lines is essential, practical application through consistent practice is equally crucial.

Both Barretta and Williams stress the importance of honing one’s skills through dedicated practice sessions.

“Repetition is key when it comes to mastering 2-rail kicks,” Barretta advises.

“Players should devote ample time to practicing various 2-rail kick scenarios, adjusting their aim and technique based on different table layouts and angles.”

Williams echoes this sentiment, highlighting the value of deliberate practice in refining 2-rail kick techniques.

“By repeatedly attempting 2-rail kicks using parallel lines, players can develop a keen understanding of how cue ball spin, speed, and angle of approach affect the outcome of the shot,” he explains.

Incorporating Strategy and Visualization

In addition to technical proficiency, successful execution of 2-rail kicks using parallel lines often involves strategic thinking and visualization.

Barretta emphasizes the need for players to assess the entire table layout and anticipate potential outcomes before attempting a 2-rail kick shot.

“Players should consider factors such as cushion rebound angles, cluster formations, and potential ball movements when planning a 2-rail kick,” Barretta suggests.

“Visualizing the intended path of the cue ball and target ball, as well as any potential deflections or rebounds, can significantly enhance a player’s ability to execute successful 2-rail kicks.”

Williams adds that incorporating visualization techniques into practice sessions can help players develop a more intuitive understanding of 2-rail kicks.

“By mentally simulating various 2-rail kick scenarios and visualizing the cue ball’s trajectory along parallel lines, players can sharpen their decision-making skills and improve their overall shot accuracy,” he says.


Mastering the art of 2-rail kicks using parallel lines is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor for billiards enthusiasts.

By understanding the fundamentals of 2-rail kicks, mastering parallel lines, dedicating time to practice, and incorporating strategic thinking and visualization, players can elevate their game and achieve greater precision in executing these complex shots.

With insights from Jennifer Barretta and Rollie Williams, aspiring players can gain valuable knowledge and practical tips for honing their 2-rail kick techniques.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your skill set or simply expand your repertoire of shots, incorporating 2-rail kicks using parallel lines into your practice routine can undoubtedly elevate your proficiency on the billiards table.